The Baby in my House Dream

Last night, I dreamed there was a baby in my house.  This baby wasn’t just any baby, mind you.  This baby was mine, which totally shocked me, since I’m over 60.  In my dream, I couldn’t help but wonder how on Earth I had a baby at my age.  My mind started racing since I have nothing, and I mean nothing for a baby anymore.

All my grown up kids came by and looked at this cute little bundle of joy…this little blonde baby girl…and asked where she came from.  Still in awe that I was even holding this little baby, I said “Hell, I have no clue, she just appeared.  I found her in my room in a box.  What am I going to do with a baby?  I have no baby things….” So I started telling them what I needed and putting them in charge of finding things.

First thing I needed….a proper rocking chair.  Poof, one appears in the front room.  Then, I needed bottles, and diapers.  Someone brought those in the house.  Suddenly, I realize I have no crib, and she’ll have to sleep in a laundry basket.  So, my husband says “I’ll take the car and go find a crib.”  To which I reply “You are not taking my car…you have no driver’s license.”  Then, I look out the window and notice all these big trucks outside, and the neighbors are racing go carts up and down the street.  I opened the door and yelled, “I found a baby in my house and I have no crib….this baby needs a crib!”  Well, one of the guys in one of those big trucks went to find me a crib.

Suddenly, poof, my old bassinet from when I was a baby appeared in my front room.  I shouted with amazement, because my bassinet had long since passed on to bassinet heaven.  Then, I look off to my right, and there’s a changing table.  Poof, appeared out of nowhere.

I then tucked this little baby in the bassinet, and put that bassinet next to my bed, where the box I found her in had been.  I laid down in my bed and went to sleep.  I woke up from my dream, expecting to find a baby in a box…but all I awoke to was my new puppy with his bell on his collar running into my room.